Books and novels have not been limited to reading anymore. although the idea is not a groundbreaking inventory of the digital age, you can also enjoy a book in audio format with more access than ever before, the same goes for the vice versa. Interviews and radio shows, which were were an auditory medium have now collided with print media to produce an all-new genre of books where the story is narrated in the format of interview and radio program scripts. The inspiration behind this blog write-up comes from Sadie by Courtney Summers, which I finished a couple of days before. It was a fanatic book with a compelling story of murder, mystery, revenge, and crime told in the most engaging non-linear narrative. It follows a parallel narrative between Sadie, a girl gone missing to seek revenge for the murder of her sister, and a radio program that investigates the disappearance of Sadie. For a full review of this book (or other books), check out m...