I turned 23 yesterday. This birthday was the most unusual because for the first time in my small life so far I have postponed my birthday celebration. This week I was swamped with deadlines, and my friends were still buzzing with Valentine's day celebrations (disadvantages of having a birthday right after the lovers' holiday). So we mutually agreed that we would party on the weekend instead. So I had a very intimate family dinner and went back to my desk after eating the cake. However, this is not the point of this blog. Yesterday made me think "man! I have grown up!" because as a teenager I would spiral into sadness at this fact. I love birthday parties as much as I love reading. So not having all my favourite people around me and having a good time isn't how I envision my birthday. That being said, I accepted the fact that I am older. I never imagined myself being 23, let alone any age other than retirement age. Again I'm touching on topics that are too d...